Frequently Asked Questions

What is a traffic control person (TCP)?

– A certified person designated or assigned  to direct traffic and keep areas safe for workers, motorists, and pedestrians

What is a TCP’s job?

A traffic control person’s (TCP’s) main role is to:
– Stop, slow, and safely direct road users through work or construction sites
– Protect workers in the construction zone by regulating traffic flow
– Give traffic control directions and signals clearly and precisely so that motorists and road users understand their meaning
– Keep the flow of traffic moving with as few delays as possible

Is this a 9-5 job?

– No, this job is not your typical 9-5. You work until the job is complete for the day and that could take up to 12 hours
– Night work and weekend is sometimes necessary
– If you love making overtime pay, this is the job for you!

Why do I need a drivers license and vehicle?

– Traffic control jobs are often not on public transportation routes
– You frequently go to multiple job sites in a day, so you need reliable transportation to get to the different sites

How do I become a TCP?

– To be become a TCP and be able to work on the road, you must take a 2 day course and become certified
– This course will go over theory in a classroom. As well as a portion will be on the road, actually controlling traffic
– To find out where and when the next course is, please visit the BCCSA, under the Traffic Control section
– Once you have become certified, please reach back out for a potential position
– Feel free to contact us if you have any questions!